Read All About It: The Latest RL6 Features

April 11, 2018 Anjali Arya

Exciting new features are coming your way - and we promise that they're definitely worth talking about! 

Next month, the latest release of RL6 will be available. What does that mean? In short, great enhancements to RL6:PeerReview and RL6:Infection, along with improvements to optimize workflows for system administrators. Not to mention, we've made enhancements to RL6:RootCause that you can take advantage of right now!

Many of these changes are inspired by direct feedback from our users - providing new ways to customize the software to your needs and improve it's flexibility. Plus, new components we're excited to share. 

Customize your root cause analysis

Customizing your RCA workflows to fit various industry frameworks and methodologies (e.g. Veterans Affairs, London Protocol, RCA2, HRO etc.). Create forms with question sets that are relevant to your organization and quickly get you started in answering important RCA questions.

The latest version of RL6:RootCause also allows you to build action plans that address multiple root causes without having to do the in-depth investigation first, since Action Plans are no longer only linked with Investigation Items that have been identified as root causes.

Better flexibility for your peer review process

Set up a flexible workflow and customize the system to accommodate your organization’s needs and blended frameworks. The latest RL6:PeerReview software provides a better look at and helps create an easy to follow process for your various peer reviews. Editable fields, improved timelines, custom forms and more surface all important details needed for your various peer review processes.

Get new insights into potential outbreaks 

Apply the syndromic surveillance approach to facility's historical data for context-based infection forecasting. Use the Context Based Syndromic Surveillance (CBSS) feature in RL6:Infection to proactively monitor potential outbreaks via "now casting & forecasting" algorithms. CBSS allows your Infection Prevention and Control teams to act quickly, intervene early and better protect staff and patients.

Organize and manage your reports in the new Report Center

System administrators can now use the enhanced Report Center to create, search and modify reports on the fly without having to navigate through multiple screens or widgets.

Track saved or unsaved report revisions and mimic more natural workflows, to save time and ensure you don't lose progress. Managing private and public reports also just got a whole lot easier using My Reports or Admin Pick.  

To learn more about all of the latest features in RL6 and how they can they can support your work, book a demo



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