The Patient Safety Structural Measure: A Letter to Patient Safety Advocates

Dear fellow patient safety advocates, 

For decades, patient safety has been the healthcare industry’s greatest challenge. Despite the efforts of dedicated advocates and healthcare professionals committed to do no harm, the reality remains stark: nearly 1 in 4 hospitalized patients experience harm, and of those incidents, a staggering 25% are preventable. These aren't just numbers — they represent real people, real families and real healthcare professionals grappling with the emotional and mental toll of preventable harm.  

Throughout my career as a doctor, lawyer and fierce advocate for safer healthcare, I have witnessed these challenges firsthand and have been part of the movement to change the trajectory of patient safety. From my role as one of the lead architects of the Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) toolkit designed to help hospitals and health systems respond to patient harm through rapid event reporting, empathetic communication to patients and families and peer support and resolution for impacted care teams to working alongside many others who share this vision, we've made strides. Yet, despite our collective efforts, true transformation has been slow— until now.  

Today, we stand at the brink of a new era in patient safety. 

The recently published Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM) by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) signals a significant shift in the patient safety movement. For the first time, we have a framework that not only promotes open, empathetic communication but also emphasizes the importance of data sharing and incident reporting to drive meaningful improvements. The PSSM is a guide for health systems to uphold best practices and foster a cultural transformation centered around compassionate honesty and, in turn, safer healthcare.  

However, realizing this vision demands cross-industry collaboration and effective partnerships. RLDatix is equipped with the tools and extensive network to support our customers and the industry in establishing these vital connections. Our connected healthcare operations platform enables comprehensive event reporting and analysis by connecting data from across enterprises to uncover the root causes of safety incidents. These insights empower decision makers with the clarity to address safety events and implement preventative measures. Through our Patient Safety Organization, the RLDatix Safety Institute, we further facilitate the sharing of these insights and learnings to enhance patient outcomes and bring joy and meaning back to the healthcare profession. 

I want to personally thank and congratulate every single person who worked diligently to lobby, research and push this measure into law. Your efforts will better the lives and health of thousands of patients and providers nationwide. 


Tim McDonald, MD, JD 

Chief Patient Safety & Risk Officer, RLDatix 

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