Patient Safety Learning: The Launch

July 31, 2019 Polly Kirk

Yesterday, Patient Safety Learning was launched at an event in London. With almost 100 attendees spanning all areas across the healthcare sector, the launch offered a variety of experience and knowledge in patient safety. Attendees included doctors, midwives, patient safety experts, families affected by healthcare harm and RLDatix staff.

The presentations were thought provoking and discussed patient safety from many different angles. A personal perspective was brought to the presentations by James Titcombe who introduced Patient Safety Learning and Julie Bailey, who gave the keynote speech, discussed her personal experiences of failures in healthcare and highlighted how easily recommendations are made, but there is still so much improvement to be made in the implementation process.

A talk from Maria Dineen focused on her work on the ground in hospitals and Professor Alison Leary discussed the underutilised benefits of using analytics and data mining to increase knowledge, best practice and lessons learned. Murray Anderson-Wallace spoke of restoring trust after harm, and on behalf of Carl Macrae, who was unable to attend, Charles Vincent touched on the issue of learning and improvements too often getting trapped in individual organisations, and the importance of creating a more open and sharing culture. 

The theme of the evening was focused around patient safety harm, errors in healthcare and improvements that need to be made, but it wasn’t all negative, the positives in healthcare and the steps that have already been taken to improve patient safety in the industry were also discussed. This is what Patient Safety Learning is going to take away and build on. 

The evening concluded with socialising over drinks, during which some of the Patient Safety Learning Steering Group and attendees were captured on film discussing their highlights of the launch event and also what they think the impact of the organisation is going to be on the healthcare industry. This video will be available soon!

RLDatix is proud to be supporting Patient Safety Learning on its mission of working towards safer healthcare.

The launch was streamed live on Twitter and can be viewed here: 

Follow Patient Safety Learning on Twitter @ptsafetylearn

For more information on Patient Safety Learning visit their website and read their blogs

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