Connected Healthcare Operations: Enabling Safer, More Efficient Healthcare

October 11, 2024 RLDatix Marketing

Evolving regulatory demands, rising costs, workforce shortages — these are a few of the most pertinent persisting challenges faced by our healthcare industry that can be addressed with connected healthcare operations. With healthcare generating 30% of the world’s data, why are we only using 3% of it to solve problems like these? 

Other large producers of data such as manufacturing, finance and retail enable their teams with connected operational data insights, so why shouldn’t healthcare follow, in our efforts to foster continuous improvement and a culture of safety? We don’t know what we don’t know. 

Let's look to our data to empower our teams across the organization, with holistic insights generated from timely and accurate data, for improved decision-making. By connecting our operations and its disparate datasets which may appear unrelatedwe’ll remain ready for changes to industry standards, plan for surging expenses better and ensure we have the right people in the right places at the right times. 

In this post, we’ll explore how connecting your healthcare operations and data will enable you to deliver safer, more efficient healthcare along our collective pursuit of zero preventable harm. You’ll learn: 

  • What is connected healthcare operations
  • Benefits of connected healthcare operations and data
  • How RLDatix enables safer, more efficient healthcare

What is Connected Healthcare Operations? 

Connected healthcare operations is a holistic approach to healthcare delivery that connects the disparate processes and data, across a healthcare organization’s operations, to break down silos, make strategic data-driven decisions and enable safer, more efficient healthcare. 

By empowering healthcare teams with critical actionable insights informed in dataconnected across risk, safety, compliance, provider lifecycle and workforce management healthcare enterprises can raise operational efficiency, enhance care quality and improve safety, outcomes and satisfaction across the continuum of care for patients, workforces and organizations. 

Enhancing Risk Prevention and Safety Management 

Enhancing your organization-wide communication and strategic decision-making enables you to shift from managing risk to proactively preventing risk. 

Breaking Communication Silos 

When you connect risk data and processes, your cross-functional and cross-departmental workflows consolidate which helps streamline operations and allows you to allocate resources more efficiently. As more relevant insights are shared and transparency improves, your healthcare teams detect deviations, anomalies and risk prevention gaps earlier. This improved collaboration allows for quicker, adequate care delivery and decreased adverse outcomes. 

Preventing Risk Proactively 

With relevant holistic data connected from disparate sources, you can shift from descriptive analysis to predictive analytics. Identifying trends and root causes from seemingly unrelated data sets leads to comprehensive insights and action plans — whether organization-wide or customized for one patient — to reduce errors and adverse events proactively. 

Fostering a Culture of Safety

As you empower your healthcare teams with more meaningful and readily accessible data insights throughout your organization, your healthcare teams learn from real-time risk and event data and can develop evidence-based practices and resolutions. This data sharing instills a sense of ownership among your providers to commit to continuous innovation and enable confident, strategic decisions informed in data. If your event reporting features automation, you reduce administrative burden and help your providers spend more time with patients, which further reduces the risk of harm events. 

How RLDatix Enhances Your Risk Prevention and Safety Management 

With RLDatix’s cloud-based Risk & Safety solution, you’ll deliver powerful holistic data insights to empower your healthcare teams. You’ll unify your risk and safety data to enhance organization-wide communication and strategic decision-making to shift from risk management to proactive risk prevention. 

Learn how Novant Health reduced their claims lag and improved data integrity and user satisfaction using RLDatix. “Timely reporting is essential to a healthy claims management system. The use of [RLDatix] allows us to do that,” said Nan Holland, Novant’s Vice-President of Corporate Risk Management and Claims. 

Streamlining Provider Management and Accelerating Provider Onboarding 

Improving your organization-wide transparency and streamlining your operations enables you to accelerate provider onboarding while ensuring revolving regulatory demands are met.

Accelerating Workflows 

Consolidating your cross-functional and cross-departmental workflows streamlines operations and minimizes administrative overlap. Connecting your disparate units, such as credentialing, privileging, payer enrollment, provider performance management and contract management allows your healthcare organizations and providers to see patient quicker while ensuring regulatory compliance. This administrative reduction saves you time and efforts from manual, tedious tasks and reallocates your staff more efficiently to other provider management pressures.

Increasing Transparency 

With your provider profile data such as contract information, certifications and licenses securely centralized, your healthcare teams have quicker access to comprehensive data to make timely, holistic decisions. This complete up-to-date information assists your provider management administration to collaborate and make holistic decisions. 

Fostering Continuous Improvement 

As your provider data becomes more connected and comprehensive, you can analyze provider insights to improve your provider performance. Sharing provider performance data with your healthcare teams highlights areas for additional focused provider support to enhance provider development and satisfaction. 

How RLDatix Streamlines Your Provider Management and Accelerates Provider Onboarding 

With RLDatix’s integrated provider lifecycle management solution, you’ll accelerate provider onboarding while ensuring regulatory compliance. You’ll connect your credentialing, privileging, payer enrollment, provider performance management and provider contract management to enhance organization-wide transparency, streamline operations and generate provider insights to drive provider excellence.

Learn how Bozeman Health accelerated credentialing turnaround times by more than 50%, reduced annual spend by 25% using RLDatix. “The new process was so automated and seamless and gave me time back to care for my patients and perform other crucial duties,” said Kathryn Bertany, Bozeman’s President Pediatric Hospitalist. 

Optimizing Workforce Operations 

Improving your employees’ well-being and upholding safety standards enables you to build workforce stability and keep your facilities optimally staffed. 

Reducing Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout 

When you connect workforce operations data and processes, you ensure patient demand coverage is met and minimize overtime and burnout. With real-time staffing and scheduling, your healthcare teams analyze patient volume and acuity to match resources to needs sufficiently. If your staffing and scheduling process features automation, you reduce administrative burden and allow your providers to spend more time with patients, which ensures greater quality of care. 

Boosting Employee Retention 

As provider well-being is protected and safety standards are met, you experience decreased employee turnover and reduced agency spend. Having real-time patient data informs you of possible talent deficiencies to inform areas of talent development and training programs to engage and retain staff. 

How RLDatix Optimizes Your Workforce Operations 

With RLDatix’s workforce solutions, you’ll ensure your healthcare facilities are optimally staffed. You’ll integrate staffing, scheduling and mobile communication solutions for nurses seamlessly with your internal systems to uphold safety standards, improve your staff’s well-being and build workforce stability.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance 

Growing cross-functional collaboration and connecting your compliance activities enables you to meet accreditation standards and maintain survey-readiness and patient-readiness. 

Increasing Collaboration 

Integrating your cross-functional and cross-departmental processes brings greater transparency into your workflows. Connecting your disparate units, such as event reporting, policy management, procedure documentation and accreditation verification allows your healthcare organizations to identify gaps in compliance. This gap recognition increases collaboration on compliance education and communication. 

Maintaining Survey-Readiness and Patient-Readiness 

Giving your healthcare teams secure, real-time access to centralized, up-to-date information on policies, procedures, audits, accreditation standards, adverse events and instructions for use keeps your healthcare organization ready for accreditation surveys and ready for patient care delivery. 

How RLDatix Ensures Your Regulatory Compliance 

With RLDatix’s integrated compliance solutions, you’ll maintain survey-readiness and patient-readiness. You’ll connect your policy management, accreditation standards verification and manufacturer’s documents to increase cross-functional collaboration and remain compliant. 

Learn how Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GMBC) enabled their nursing staff to easily find the policy information they needed upon first search with nearly 90% accuracy using RLDatix. “Our end users, myself included, previously struggled to find the correct document within our legacy system. [RLDatix’s] robust searching features help our clinicians find the information they need quickly, so they can provide the care they would want for their own loved ones,” said Rebecca Stover, GMBC’s Nurse Clinical Systems Project Manager. 

Elevating Patient Satisfaction 

Connecting your patient engagement processes and delivering patient-centred care enables you to improve the patient experience and exceed your patients’ expectations. 

Personalizing Care Delivery 

When patient satisfaction data is centralized and shared securely, your healthcare teams can improve performance, act on recommendations and deliver tailored treatment plans. As information is shared and communicated, your transitions between providers are seamless and patient care quality sees no decline. 

Expanding Patient Access and Improving Patient Experience 

Sharing and analyzing feedback allows you to expand your patient access and enhance your patient education processes. By incorporating greater patient feedback data into your care delivery, you optimize how you deploy your resources, build patient trust and improve your patient experience. 

How RLDatix Elevates Your Patient Satisfaction 

With RLDatix’s connected patient engagement tools, you’ll deliver an unmatched patient experience and elevate patient satisfaction. You’ll integrate patient feedback and surveys to exceed patient expectations. 

Driving Measurement Capacity and Fostering Continuous Improvement 

Expanding the scope of what you measure and report enables your healthcare teams to learn the latest best practices, continuously innovate and transform patient safety. 

Achieving High Reliability 

Connecting and sharing your cross-functional and cross-departmental data transforms your healthcare organization from punitive to transparent, innovative and leading. By tracking and reporting data across the enterprise, you build psychological safety and cultivate a Just Culture of safety in which the appropriate accountability and no-blame approaches are balanced so staff feel secure in flagging unsafe conditions, near misses, precursor events and any other concerns. As communicate silos break down, you prevent risk proactively, learn from errors and reduce preventable harm. 

Enabling Institutional Learning 

As your healthcare organization expands its internal measurement capacity, your C-suite leadership can further improve organization-wide learning by comparing the performances of similar internal units, functions and departments across your different sites to identify opportunities. Your C-suite leadership can also introduce industry benchmarks and KPIs from external sources, such as larger-scale learning networks, to disseminate the latest best practices on operational efficiency and patient harm reduction across your enterprise — to empower your healthcare teams further with actionable data in patient care and risk mitigation.  

How RLDatix Drives Your Measurement Capacity and Fosters Continuous Improvement 

With RLDatix’s industry collaborations and data insights across your continuum of care, you’ll drive your measurement abilities to foster continuous improvement. You’ll access a large-scale learning community to learn best practices, transform patient safety and further reduce preventable harm. 

Make Safer, More Efficient Healthcare Decisions 

RLDatix’s Healthcare Operations Cloud connects data and operational processes to bring critical insights, mitigate risks and help organizations improve decision-making for safer and more efficient healthcare. 

By connecting your processes and data across your risk, safety, provider lifecycle management, workforce operations, compliance, patient satisfaction and measurement and improvement functions, into one central, secure platform your healthcare organization will empower your teams to make strategic data-driven decisions, raise operational efficiency and reduce preventable harm. 

To learn how RLDatix’s Healthcare Operations Cloud will enable you to deliver safer, more efficient healthcare, connect with one of our experts. 

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